Study the Bible - O.I.A.

  • Bible & Journal

  • Create margin & Schedule it

  • Pray (Matthew 6:9-14, Romans 8:26-27)

  • Read (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12-13)

  • Complete your Observations

  • Use the 7 arrows below (Interpretation then Application)


  • Underline words that are important.

    Look for repeated words or phrases.

  • **Star**what to do or not to do.

    Look for action words.

  • Circle these words.

    if—conditional clauses
    for, because, therefore—reason and results
    in order that—purpose

  • Draw arrows and label. (CON, COM, ILL)

    Contrasts point out differences and comparisons point out similarities. Illustrations describe information or ideas by example (mental images).

  • [bracket lists] of items or ideas.

    Ask, is there a significance to their order?

  • Does the question asked introduce an idea, summarize a series of ideas, or challenge your thinking?

    Put a question mark by anything you don’t understand or need to study further.


What does this passage say?
Summarize it in a sentence or two.

What did this passage mean to its original audience?

What does this passage say about God?

What does this passage say about humanity?


What does this passage ask me to do?

How does this passage change the way I relate to people?

What does this passage prompt me to pray to God? Write this down.